Costs 2023 to 2024 - All prices in £ / GBP / Pounds Sterling

  • Full assessment of abilities, development in thinking, and literacy and number skills.  £900
  • Review assessment of attainments, based on earlier assessment. £650
  • Shorter, more individually structured, assessment for specific queries, such as adult concerns,  without any earlier full assessment. £650

The above assessments all include full opportunities for discussion and consultation, and are described in full reports with detailed conclusions and recommendations for education, assistance and handling.

  • Shorter assessment for examination arrangements without any earlier full assessment.  This assessment will include opportunities for discussion and consultation. £650
  • Brief review to provide certificates for examination arrangements, based on earlier full assessment. £400
  • Brief review to provide certificates for Higher Education, based on earlier full assessment. £500

These last three assessments are briefly reported via a certificate as prescribed by the examining and advisory boards.  There are limited opportunities for discussion in the last two reviews.


I am happy to see clients at my home, or at their home or school.  These charges are for assessments at the home or school of the client. The cost for a full assessment at my home in East Anglia would be £850.

I am in the Surrey area for work regularly each month. We do not undertake assessments in Europe face-to-face since the COVID-19 pandemic. We do undertake very successful work via Skype.

EPs are also involved in

School screening and assessment, special needs provisions, statutory assessment, behaviour and emotional programmes, broader analysis and development of schools’ systems, lecturing and training, research and parent groups.


EP assessment offers:

  • A key plan from which to base a person’s education.
  • An enjoyable individual session.
  • A full  view of a person’s overall development.
  • This is a valuable guide to any child’s education including:

    -  curriculum

    -  strengths
    -  extra assistance
    -  handling
    -  parent support
    -  counselling
    -  examination arrangements
    -  other necessary input.

  • It is cost effective in offering a screening of the child for independent education.